Finger weg von solchen Geschäften:Belgische Finanzaufsicht warnt vor Questra Holdings, Questra World, Atlantic Global Asset Management

Hier handelt es sich um ein Unternehmen aus dem MLM-Bereich, die ja derzeit – verursacht durch OneCoin – stark in der öffentlichen Kritik stehen. Die belgische Finanzaufsichtsbehörde warnt vor diesem Unternehmen und verweist dabei auch auf andere bestehende Warnhinweise europäischer Finanzaufsichten. Es ist sogar die Rede von einem möglichen „Schneeballsystem“ und „Betrug“. Kommen solche Warnungen, dann kann man nur den Rat erteilen: „Finger weg“.

The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) once again warns the public against the activities of Questra Holdings, Questra World and Atlantic Global Asset Management, companies that offer investment services in Belgium.
Despite the previous warnings it published, the FSMA continues to receive questions from consumers regarding Questra Holdings, Questra Worldand Atlantic Global Asset Management, indicating thatthese companies are still active in Belgium.
The FSMA wishes therefore to issue a reminder that none of these companies is an authorized investment firm or credit institution in Belgium. They are therefore not allowed to provide bankingand/or investment services in or from Belgium. Moreover, the system these companies offer clearly resembles that of a pyramid scheme, or at thevery least ofa Ponzi scheme. The FSMA refers readers to its general warning regarding this type of fraud, published on 23 September 2016.
Lastly, these companies have already been the subjects of several warnings by foreign supervisory authorities. Thus, Questra Holdings has been the subject of a warning by the Austrian supervisoryauthority (FMA), published on 3 October 2016 and by the Polish supervisory authority (KNF), on 10April 2017. Questra World was the subject of a warning by the Austrian Financial Market Authority(FMA) on 27October 2016, the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) on 17February 2017 and the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) on 10April 2017. Atlantic Global Asset Management was the subject of a warning by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) on 26November 2016, the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA ) on 17February 2017, the Spanish National Securities Markets Commission (CNMV) on 20 February 2017, and the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (
KNF) on 10 April 2017. For these reasons, the FSMA strongly advises against responding to any investment offers made by these companies and against transferring moneyto any account number they might mention.
The FSMA also wishes to recall that there can be no high yield without a high risk. To claim otherwise is false and may be a sign of fraud.If you wish to check in general whether a proposed transaction complies with the financial regulations, please use the search function (available in Dutch and French only) on the website of the FSMA.

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